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To ensure a high replication potential, M-AI-R Decision Support System will collect information from 7 demo sites in 4 European countries (Portugal, Italy, Spain, Netherlands) and 2 in non-European countries (Tunisia, South Africa).

These demo sites were selected to be the representative of a wide panorama in terms of climatic conditions, type of groundwater pollution, water sources used for Managed Aquifer Recharge, political/societal context, and to maximize the potential replication of the MAR2PROTECT holistic approach and impact. All demo sites include a coastal aquifer affected by salinity intrusion. Demo sites were carefully chosen by their degree of maturity from previous successful projects developed by the partners.

The list of demo sites includes: Katwijk, Tunisia, Frielas, Emilia-Romagna, Cape Flats, Marbella and Lima River Estuary

You can learn all things related to the demo site on their specific pages in our section for Demo Sites on our web.
























MAR2PROTECT partners interviewed

MAR2PROTECT partners interviewed

During the KOM held at FEUGA venues at Santiago de Compostela on 12 and 13th, December MAR2PROTECT partners are being interviewed to show you the project.

We hope to publish these videos soon!