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Eternal pollution: MAR2PROTECT at Expresso50

Eternal pollution: MAR2PROTECT at Expresso50

The MAR2PROTECT project has appeared in the media Expresso 50 (Portugal) by the hand of our project coordinator Ana Pereiro who was interviewed about the recent discoveries of chemicals in european waters.

An European consortium of journalists (Forever Polution Project) has mapped -for the first time ever- the sites in Europe where there have been found concentrations of one of the most harmful chemicals: PFAS (perfluoroalkyladesubstances).

The first studies about these contaminants are just starting in Portugal and as Ana Pereiro said for this post in Expresso 50: “We should have started working on these studies 20 years ago”. 

These substances known as “eternal chemicals” are widely used and found in the environment: more than 17.000 sites across Europe are contaminated with PFAS and about 21.000 other sites are “presumably contaminated”. 

MAR2PROTECT takes into account the EU’s planned zero pollution targets for 2030 and the impact of climate change on groundwater contamination.

The project is also working on new ways to treat or clean up chemical compounds and pharmaceuticals present in wastewater. However, for these instruments to be widely applied “it is necessary that the European legislation requires it”.

Learn more in the following link


MAR2PROTECT collaboration with cluster projects HORIZON-CL6-2022-ZEROPOLLUTION

MAR2PROTECT collaboration with cluster projects HORIZON-CL6-2022-ZEROPOLLUTION

MAR2PROTECT started a collaboration with cluster projects HORIZON-CL6-2022-ZEROPOLLUTION which seeks to halt and prevent pollution by focusing on:

  • Removing pollution from fresh and marine waters, soils, air, including from nitrogen and phosphorus emissions;
  • Substituting harmful chemicals;
  • Improving the environmental sustainability and circularity of bio-based systems; and 
  • Reducing environmental impacts of and pollution in food systems.  

Water Europe will play a coordinating role in setting a proposal for an action plan for the cluster.

The first meeting will be held on the 9th of March 2023 from 9:30 to 12:00.

The agenda for the first cluster meeting and the proposal for the action plan are still being developed but we will keep you posted in the future!

We also want to thank the REA and all of the participant projects:

Summary video of the MAR2PROTECT KoM!

Summary video of the MAR2PROTECT KoM!

On the past 12th and 13th of December, MAR2PROTECT celebrated its Kick-Off Meeting in FEUGA HQs with partners participating in person and online.

It was a great opportunity to draw the lines the project will follow in the future.

This video summarises the fantastic 2 days that the partners had to exchange ideas and explain their work packages. Thank you all for this great journey!

In addition, we would like to leave you here a few pictures we took of these fantastic two days together

MAR2PROTECT at Aqua Fórum 2022

MAR2PROTECT at Aqua Fórum 2022

This last 2nd of December, the MAR2PROTECT project appeared in the Aqua Fórum 2022 by the hand of the project coordinator Ana B. Pereiro from NOVA.

Here, she talked about what the project is all about and the steps it will follow to accomplish great results in the future of its life term.

This initiative is organized by the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Tâmega e Barroso in partnership with AquaValor and aims to enhance the resource “Water” as an aggregator element of the territory, in its four fundamental dimensions – Thermalism, Agriculture, Tourism and Energy, as a distinctive/identitary value, aggregator and potentiator of economic growth of the region.

MAR2PROTECT – which was launched last December 1st- will provide a holistic approach to prevent groundwater contamination from climate change impacts, through different innovative technologies. 

Additionally, ‘Kick off Meeting’ will be held next 12th-13th December at the FEUGA base in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. This meeting will take place to explore future steps during this project’s four-year life term.

Don’t forget to follow MAR2PROTECT’s social media so you don’t miss a thing about the project!

Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube