MAR2PROTECT and LIFE-4-FGASES participation at the European Researchers’ Night 2023
The European Researchers' Night is an annual celebration of science and innovation, bringing together researchers, scientists, and the public to showcase cutting-edge projects that aim to address some of the most pressing global challenges. In September 29th 2023, at...
MAR2PROTECT at the Anniversary Pavilion of Knowledge
MART2PROTECT participated on july 24th on the anniversary Pavilion of Knowledge in Lisbon, Portugal. This year's program was inspired by EXPO'98 and, through science, music and dance, the atmosphere experienced at the time was recreated. MAR2PROTECT wanted to...
MAR2PROTECT present at the COIL-9 2023!
Ana Pereiro (from NOVA FCT) was a speaker during the COIL-9 the 24th of April. She explained what the project MAR2PROTECT is all about and how to prevent contamination related to global and climate change. The COIL-9 (Congress On Ionic Liquids) is the main event in...
Launch of Societal Activities at Lima Estuary Demosite Living Lab
November 26th, marked the launch of the societal activities co-designed within our Lima Estuary Demosite Living Lab, as part of the MAR2PROTECT project. This exciting initiative was organized by our partner CIIMAR and involved students from Escola Secundária de Santa...
MAR2PROTECT at Winter School 2024: Advancing Water Sustainability
This week, MAR2PROTECT was delighted to actively participate in the Winter School 2024, a premier event focused on addressing pressing water challenges and showcasing cutting-edge research and solutions in the water sector. The event, which welcomed 255 participants...